This one is important. Please share with your loved ones. It's not an easy topic, but too important to ignore. Let's be role models because so many people out there need to hear this! Let's make a badaboom-role-model-community on how to reduce screen time and use social media and apps only for our benefit.
Focusmate link:
Here is a little outtake for you dear listener:
"I am pretty sure that you have a bank account. And you try to be in the plus, meaning you don't want to be in debt.
Why aren't we doing the same with our time?
If someone asks you to invest money - you would probably consider the benefits or the potential costs and think about it. Because you are nothing willing to throw money out the window.
Let's do the same with time.
The difference with time, though, is that nothing will allow us to regain time misspent. So, let's become your personal time investment planner. For this, you will have to sit down and do some analysis. Start with the big questions in life. Let's look at it!"
Duration: 19 minutes
Enjoy and please share it with your loved ones or listen to it with your loved ones and brainstorm over it.
Hugs, AnnA
Benjamin Franklin said: Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75.
What does it mean to live life? My Grandma died at 100 years old. 100 YEARS Ladies and Gentlemen!
Here is a little outtake for you dear listener:
"Yesterday, I had a conversation with an elderly man at my speech. I asked him: "What does it mean to you to live life? What does that include?"
He looked at me and said: everything you mentioned in the speech.
It's about your values. It's about knowing them and living up to them.
It's about how you treat others. It's about seizing the day. It's about celebrating everyday life. It's about being grateful for what's there. If you run after something, you might run past your life.
If you think I will be happy when I have made my first million. You will be satisfied for a millisecond, but then you will aim for 2 million, and you will never stop, and you will miss out on being a good companion to your loved ones."
Duration: 12 minutes
Hugs, AnnA
Focusmate link:
Another Thursday, another day and here is another episode for you for a walk outside between the falling autumn leaves. Duration: 10 minutes.
Focusmate link:
Here is a little outtake for you dear listener:
"Sometimes, we might realize we are trying to keep ourselves from falling into something. As if we want to protect ourselves from the bruise or the wound we could get if we fall. As if we want to protect ourselves from the unknown. But what's another normal process of falling? Right, to fall.
I mean, that's what we do regularly when we are kids. Fall down the stairs. Fall back on our bums out of simply standing around. A bit falling here and a bit falling there. We might cry, but we get back up and go off."
Duration: 10 minutes
Hugs, AnnA