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Anna Jelen's Podcast

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We all know it, but often we just don't do it, even if we know it would be for the better. Aren't we a very funny species...?

Duration: 13 min

Take care and enjoy.



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I am ASKING YOU today, what YOU want? What is your opinion about the podcast? Please let me know and listen to my 8 minutes episode from today, another thursday, which should be taken, rocked and rumbled.

Here is a little outtake for you dear listener:

"Yes, it is time for the time expert to ask: is something missing? If yes, could you please somehow send me that information? Go to my homepage - a n n a j e l e n .com, and on the first page, under myself in a leather jacket - holding an hourglass - you will find an email address you could tell me about your opinion on my podcast.

With a) what's missing - meaning: what would you like me to change? Do you have any ideas? Or any business advice? - you go with the flow!

Or b) you can if you want to; just tell me what you like about the podcast.

Et voilà."

Duration: 8 minutes


Hugs, AnnA

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This a sensitive topic today, and I am sure I will be called an idealist and annoy some people by saying I'm never stressed. Why can I say this? It's an attitude, a choice and a lot of work. Let's dig in.

Here is a little outtake for you dear listener:

"When you do 3.2.1. badaboom - you don't even have time to feel stressed - because you are in the mode of action. Action, baby, that's what counts. And it makes you happy - because you are experiencing eustress, the positive stress. There will be adrenaline-boosting your energy, increasing alertness and focus.

The release of dopamine will make you feel satisfaction.

That's the stress we want. This is motiving and beneficial."

Duration: 13 minutes


Hugs, AnnA J.

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