It's Thursday, and here is another episode. Directly sent to you from Sweden.
A little outtake:
"Looking outside, glued to the window, teardrops coming out of nowhere, running down my cheeks.
My breath - first gone and then pounding and forcing my ribs to move. All of it is a reaction of joy and bliss of being near one of my favourite elements.
Here I am. With the result that the ocean has on me. To be vulnerable. And unfiltered.
I am vulnerable to the energy overwhelming me - every single time, and sometimes, I almost forget how it feels. But then, when I'm here - I remember.
When I am here: my friends see it in my face. They hear it in my voice. Feel it when I'm close. I talk about :
The energy of oneself when there are no curtains drawn. The bubble is gone. Nothing to hide. No walls. When you are the pure you."
Duration: 12 minutes
Hugs, AnnA
Focusmate link:
Another Thursday, another episode.
A little outtake:
"This episode is about that feeling.
A feeling I wouldn't want to trade for a million.
I talk about the feeling of confidence. Normal healthy confidence.
Some have it naturally - bless you! Others don't.
And sometimes it's fading - but when it comes back again, oh you take it. And you put on those sunglasses, tie up that collar, and take that step thinking, "Another day, another chance, and I am going to rock it."
Oh, how I love those days."
Duration: 12 minutes
Hugs, AnnA
Focusmate link:
Today is storytelling time. Lean back and enjoy !
A little outtake:
"Today, just a few short stories. But as usual - there are questions involved for you to ponder upon with a nice cup of tea.
The first one is:
What have you done only once in your life?
The second and third questions would be:
And why did you only do it once?
Would you like to do it again?
I am just going to give you a few examples - which might trigger your brain and open it up to your experiences.
If you would like to share some - oh, please do."
Duration: 19 minutes
Hugs, AnnA
Focusmate link: