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Anna Jelen's Podcast

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Imagine a life without any surprises...

I know we like stability. We like the familiar. We love to know.

But what if we would give wonders and surprises a bit more time and space?

Wouldn’t that spice up our life a bit? Wouldn’t that be a nice change? It doesn’t have to be daily, but from time to time…

A little outtake:

“I often forget to be a bit more open to this, but about ten days ago, something happened, leading me to write this episode. Samuel and I sat outside on a bench, and we talked about life, how much we missed Sweden and considered big decisions. He had the idea to say: if this is a good idea, let the universe show us a sign. Or even better, I said; if this is a good idea, let an aeroplane fly over our village which shall land in Dubai. Samuel said it must be more unlikely. Like a military jet breaking the sound barrier, so we can hear a loud boom!”

Listen to this episode to find out what happened…

Call it coincidence, luck, wonders, psychological triggers or signs – for me; it does not matter. I find it amusing, touching and, yes, surprising.

Let’s stay curious!

Have a lovely week, and thank you for being here. I appreciate it.

Lots of love and surprises,


This episode contains ADULT LANGUAGE.

To compare yourself to others makes you unhappy, I think we all agree, but still it happens again and again.

What can we do against this terrible feeling?

Just a short wish to start with: if you like what I do, may I ask you to share your favourite episode with only one person. That would be lovely.

A little outtake:

“Comparison, in any way, makes unhappy. But the worst part is this: It takes away the enjoyment of the process. How can it be fun to write a book if I only think: it’s not good enough. Zero fun! It shall not only be about the result, on the contrary, but the result is also only the bonus of your doing. The doing shall be fun and get all the attention. Imagine climbing a mountain. How frustrating if you climb two days without any enjoyment, just to experience 10 minutes of joy when you are on the top. Imagine you could appreciate the two days of climbing as well. The process often takes so much more time, so it’s worth it to get there that we can enjoy it.“

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Would you be scared to be 24 hours in an isolated dark room? If yes, why?

Maybe you would like to listen to this episode with a blindfold or closed eyes because this episode is about darkness.

A little outtake:

“Three days ago, I spent only (only in quotation marks) 24 hours in an isolated dark room. There was not a trace of light. But an overwhelming silence. You might want to ask me, as many others did: WHY would anyone do this?? The answer is simple: pure curiosity about what happens when you are without any external stimuli. I wanted to know what happens with the senses and thoughts. I wanted to see if I can discover something I can only find in the dark. So yeah, I would say curiosity and self-discovery are the main reasons. After hearing many reactions, there was suddenly another reason tapping in: I wanted to know why this scares us. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.“

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