My dear listener,
Here is a little outtake:
Hi, I'm Anna Jelen, also called The Time Expert.
My podcast channel is about self-development, the big questions and time management à la Anna. I am flattered to be in your ears.
I wonder what you are doing right now? Jogging? Cooking? Driving? Walking? I once got tagged in a video on Instagram, and it was so funny to hear my voice coming out from the stereo system in a car in Argentina. Feel free to let me know where you are listening to me. You can tag me on Instagram; my name is: annathetimeexpert
Back to our topic today, where we honour the "just do it" persons. The fluffily and easygoing individuals - who you might even call: naive.
Once upon a time, one of my best friends called me naive.
He did not expect that I would say ", Oh thank you "- because, in my eyes, my naivität is my superpower.
Before I tell you why, let's look at the word naivety.
Naivety refers to an apparent or actual lack of experience and sophistication.
I would add this: being naive also means trusting yourself to manage the situation.
But the best way to describe naively comes here:
The root naïve is a French adjective meaning "natural, just born." Because it suggests innocence or ignorance, naivete is often associated with children who lack experience and knowledge. But plenty of adults, too, display a certain amount of naivete when they make assumptions based on ignorance, an inability to grasp a situation, or a tendency to oversimplify complex things.
I wouldn't call myself naive. I see myself with a "just do it" attitude.
The most common phrases in my vocabulary are: Yeah, why not!
Or: Okay, I can do that!
Or: Let's try! Let's do this!"
Duration: 14 minutes
Enjoy this episode!
Yours, Anna
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Duration: 14 minutes
Enjoy and feel free to live your thoughts as a comment - so that we all can read it. Thank you!
Yours, Anna